Author: Pauline Hadaway
No Surrender to the Censors
Belfast City Council arts subcommittee passed a vote of censure against the Vacuum, a local arts and cultural review, following a complaint that it contained material which was offensive to Christians.
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Relaunching Titanic: Memory and Marketing in the New Belfast
Relaunching Titanic critically considers the invocation of Titanic heritage in Belfast in contributing to a new ‘post-conflict’ understanding of the city. The authors address how the memory of Titanic is being and should be represented in the place of its origin, from where it was launched into the collective consciousness and unconscious of western civilization.
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Policing the Public Gaze: The Assault on Citizen Photography
Pauline Hadaway reveals the growing restriction of citizen photography – by community safety wardens, private security guards, and self-appointed ‘jobsworths’.
This ranges from children being told that they can only take photos of particular parts of the body, to sports clubs told they should remove all photos of kids from their websites.
Hadaway argues that it is important that people are able to take spontaneous photographs of public life, whether of children or any other contemporary touchy subjects: ‘We need to stop this self-censorship.’
Lost in the Maze
Speaking in the wake of last month’s tragic spate of suicides in north Belfast, Irish President Mary McAleese blamed the peace process for failing young people in Northern Ireland, parts of which, she said, remained ‘stuck in a time warp’ of sectarianism and paramilitarism, where, in the context of rising prosperity across Ireland, levels of poverty were often ‘worse than during the Troubles’.
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